Note that the expression can be divided into blocks separated by + and -, with each block being evaluated independently. For example, the expression 2 - 2 + 2x2÷2 + 2÷2 - 2÷2÷2 can be split into the blocks 2, -2, 2x2÷2, 2÷2, and -2÷2÷2. The results of evaluating these individual blocks can then be summed to obtain the final result.
Additionally, each expression with two or more blocks has a corresponding paired expression where every + is replaced with -, and every - is replaced with +. For example, 2 - 2 + 2x2÷2 + 2÷2 - 2÷2÷2 and 2 + 2 - 2x2÷2 - 2÷2 + 2÷2÷2 form such a pair. When summing each pair, all blocks except the first, which is always positive, cancel out with their corresponding counterparts. Therefore, the sum of the pair is simply twice the value of the first block. This observation allows us to perform case analysis based on the first block, determined by the position of the first + or -.
In the case where the first +/- appears in the \(i\)-th position (\(i\) ranging from 1 to 9). (We will consider the case where there is no +/- in the end). Let’s count how many such expressiosn are there in this case. Since the gaps before the \(i\)-th position can only be filled with x or ÷, there are only two choices for each of the first i positions. For the remaining gaps, there are 4 choices each, resulting in a total of \(2^{i} \times 4^{9-i}\) different expressions (out of \(4^9\) possible expressions).
Keep in mind that these \(2^{i} \times 4^{9-i}\) different expressions form \(2^{i-1} \times 4^{9-i}\) pairs with \(2^{i-1}\) distinct leading blocks. Thus we only need to compute the sum of these \(2^{i-1}\) different leading blocks and multiply by \(2\cdot 4^{9-i}\) to get the total sum of expressions where the first +/- appears in the \(i\)-th position.
Each leading block consists of \(i\) twos without any + or - operators, where the \(i−1\) operators include only x and ÷. Since the number of x and ÷ in the leading block adds up to \(i−1\), and an invisible \(1 \times\) precedes the very first 2, the total sum of distinct leading blocks can be calculated using the binomial theorem: \[ 2 \cdot (2+1/2) ^ {i-1} = 2 \cdot (\frac{5}{2})^{i-1}.\] We then multiply this result by \(2\cdot 4^{9-i}\) to obtain the total sum of expressions in this case. Dividing by \(4^9\), the total number of possible expressions, gives the contribution to the final expected value from this case the case where the first + or - appears in the \(i\)-th position: \[ \frac{2 \cdot (5/2) ^ {i-1} \cdot (2\cdot 4^{9-i})}{4^9} = (\frac{5}{8})^{i-1}. \]
Lastly, we consider the case where there is no +/- at all. In this scenario, the entire expression consists only of x and ÷ operators. Similarly, the total sum of distinct leading blocks of \(10\) two’s without any \(+/-\) operators can be calculated using the binomial theorem: \[ 2 \cdot (2+1/2) ^ 9 = 2 \cdot (\frac{5}{2})^{9}.\]
Since there are no blocks after this case, we simply divide by \(4^9\) to obtain the contribution to the final expected value from this case, which is \[ \frac{2 \cdot (5/2) ^ 9}{4^9} = 2(\frac{5}{8})^{9}. \] Therefore the final expected value is \[ 1 + \frac{5}{8} + \cdots + (\frac{5}{8})^{i-1} + \cdots + (\frac{5}{8})^{8} + 2(\frac{5}{8})^{9} = \frac{8}{3} - \frac{2}{3} (\frac{5}{8})^{9}. \]
Finally, the discussion and results above can be readily generalized and the formula for computing the expected value of expressions involving \(n\) twos is \[ 1 + \frac{5}{8} + \cdots + (\frac{5}{8})^{i-1} + \cdots + (\frac{5}{8})^{n-2} + 2(\frac{5}{8})^{n-1} = \frac{8}{3} - \frac{2}{3} (\frac{5}{8})^{n-1}. \] It is worth noting that when \(n\) goes to \(\inf\), this expected value converges to \(\frac{8}{3}\).